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Non Typical Products is dedicated to providing our customers with the finest customer and product service online,
through select retailers and direct at high profile outdoor related event across the country.

When I started NON-TYPICAL PRODUCTS in April 2008, my number one goal was to create high quality original
artwork that speaks to the outdoor lifestyle of our consumers. We’re able to accomplish this goal because the people in
our design and art department are avid hunters.

I’ve been hunting and fishing for most my life. I started fishing when I was 3 years old, bird hunting when I was 8 years
old and big game hunting when I was 12 years old. I’ve been told over the years that I have a one track mind that’s
stuck on hunting and fishing. It’s my passion and what has inspired this business. All our personnel at NON-TYPICAL
PRODUCTS hunt and/or fish.

I believe that our passion for the great outdoors (God’s front porch) is one of the reasons for our success. The other reason
and most important reason is you the consumer without your support, there is no success

For that we sincerely thank you and hope you continue to like our products.